Monday, August 31, 2009

Did Marvel's 'Dark Reign' just get darker?

So now that Norman Osbourne and his band of villainous followers have taken over the Marvel universe, what are they going to do now?

Apparently... they're going to Disney World.

Disney has recently announced the acquisition of the comic book machine known for its action-packed pages and poor dialogue disguised as witty interchange. As a whole, the move is probably a good one for Marvel, because, let's be honest - as much of a comic book fan as I am, it's not hard to see that the comic industry has definitely taken a turn for the worse in the last 20 years, and the advent of free-to-read web comics is making the classic comic book a thing of the past.

DC managed to survive with backing from Warner Brothers, so perhaps Marvel will thrive under the umbrella of Disney... but God help us all if Disney decides to piggyback Marvel's "let's put Obama in all of our comics" phase and throws a "Spider-Man/Mickey Mouse" team-up at us. Or, even worse, if Marvel's propensity for selling titles by shouting "hey, Wolverine's in this one!" leaks into Disney... I'm not sure a pants-less Donald Duck makes a good counterpoint for the cigar-smoking Wolverine.

I am curious, though, as to how Disney's ownership of Marvel will affect Universal Studios - specifically the Marvel Superhero Island at Islands of Adventure...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Top Ten Things Bothering Me This Week

#10: Florida Drivers

This is a constant source of complaint for anyone transplanted to Florida from, well, anywhere else in the civilized world.

Last night, I was driving home from Borders in some significant donwpour. Accordingly, I dropped to a safer speed of about 40 mph on Bee Ridge Road (offical speed limit: 45 mph - unoffical speed limit 55 mph).

A few miles from home, I see another car whip out of a gas station, turn left, slide across 3 street lanes to wind up in my own, almost smashing into the front of my car. I respond my slamming on the brakes, of course... the other driver responds by flipping me the bird and honking.


#9: Rude People Unaware of Their Rudeness

Don't get me wrong, I'm an asshole. I'm a huge asshole. But in a good way. I'm the asshole who KNOWS he's an asshole. It works for me. But when someone is excessively rude, then calls other people rude?

Hello, pot? It's kettle...

#8: Seniority

Really? Just because you've been here longer, you get to stay? What ever happened to competition? Shouldn't the best man win? Works for nature. You ever see the old sick lion on the Discovery Channel keeping his place at the head of the pride just because he's been there a long time? Neither have I. I have seen him booted out by the younger, stronger males.

Let's start doing that.

#7: Batman: Arkham Asylum

The game is just damned brilliant. The graphics, the story, the gameplay... it's all about two steps away from perfect. I've spent the last three dark nights playing as the Dark Knight. I need to finish this game so I can reclaim my life!

#6: Professional Critics

Paid to complain about things. BEST. JOB. EVER.

Okay... maybe they don't bother me. Maybe I'm just jealous. I admit it.

#5: Brett Favre Critics
Not professional critics. I'm bothered by them for other reasons (see above). Individuals like you and me. Don't like Brett Favre? Fine. Then don't watch his games. Problems solved. But to run around and call the man a traitor and a joke? What is that doing for anyone?

A traitor? How? Professional football is a BUSINESS. Like clothing stores, electronics boutiques, and seal-poaching. You're out to make money. Favre still has marketability. He's still got a decent arm. And, most importantly, he's still got teams willing to cut him 8 digit checks. I salute the man for taking advantage of it, and you should, too.

A joke? Really? If being a joke means someone will pay me $12 million to play football for 4 months, I'll GLADLY be a joke. While you laugh at me, I'll laugh all the way to the bank.

#4: Procrastination

It's so hard to overcome... I just... I feel... eh, I'll finish this one later.

#3: Hard Sells

Some sales people just can't leave well enough alone. I reserve a copy of Arkham Asylum at Gamestop a month ago. I go in on Tuesday to pick up the game, and the clerk tries to upsell me to the "Collector's Edition."

"What's the difference?" I ask.

"Forty bucks and a piece of crap Batarang that isn't actually associated with the game in any significant way," he replies (some words have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent).

"No thanks," I say.

"No, dude - check it out." He shoves the Batarang in my face.

"No, thanks," I say.

"You sure?"

"Yeah... just the regular one." At this point, another employee walks up.

"Hey, man - you should really check out the Batarang," the other employee starts, "it's a really good deal."

"Okay, I'm going to Play-and-Trade." I walk out.

Is it really worth losing a guaranteed $60 sale to try for a $90 sale? I don't think so... but apparently, Gamestop does.

#2: George Lopez

I've been seeing nonstop commercials for his new show. Seriously. It seems that every other commercial is for this show. I don't get it. Why would anyone fund that show?

Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike George Lopez... I just can't help but sit through his routines and think... "so which part is the funny part?"

#1: Herb and Cream Cheese Pretzels

Sound delicious, right? Sounds bready and doughy and zesty with a cool, sweet, creamy center, right?

It's not.

It tastes like... well... nothing. Literally zero flavor.

Worst three bucks I ever spent.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Moving Forward with a Gig...

So I've got my first decently size gig to work on.

The only problem is that this particular gig is a website, and the website is a complete and total mess. The content is poor to non-existent, and the format is atrocious (alas, I'll have no control over the format). So it looks like I've got my work cut out for me over the next 2 weeks or so, getting the site up to snuff.

But you know what? That doesn't matter. The point is that I've got a writing gig that will likely be mine for the next several months, and I need to take advantage of it and garner some clips out of it.

Once I do, I'll be sure to post the link.

So there we go - if I can snag an exclusive gig, you can do the same with whatever it is you're after.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Escaping the Grind by Jumping Into the Grinder

I've been hearing lately that the economy is starting to "turn around." That companies and people were starting feel good about spending money again. About creating new jobs again.

What I'm seeing, however, is something entirely different. I've been watching homes in my neighborhood become increasingly more empty, as people as moving to cheaper areas. I've been noticing that companies are re-airing commericals, presumably to save money. First, it was Wal-Mart's Madden commercial - update just enough to replace Madden '09 with Madden '10. Moreover, I've spotted a Folgers commercial that has gone competely unchanged since it originally aired in 1996 or so. I've seen literally dozens of people a week wandering into stores I frequent, looking for jobs that simple don't exist. I've watched my own rent cost bottom out, and I can only assume that my landlord recognizes that there are a half dozen houses within 3 blocks that will rent out the same amount of space for a lower cost.

When all is said and done, I'm seeing a lot of indicators that this economic fiasco isn't anywhere near over yet.

But, there's another aspect to poor economies that most people fail to consider. Poor economies tend to create good opportunities. Position yourself somewhere new, and when things actually do turn around, you may well find yourself in a completely different career than before.

That, my friends, is my overall goal, and the focus of this blog. I've decided to make a shift from the tedium of the everyday job - the ubiquitous 9 - 5 gig. I'm going to use this blog as a medium to chart and chronicle my journey toward personal and professional independence through freelance writing.

What exactly will wind up on this blog, I can't quite fathom. Anecdotes, news stories, rants, and probably everything else in between. I hope I can inspire both you and me to reach out for something a little different in our lives, combining what we want with what we need rather than maintaining a separation. Failing that, I hope I can at least provide some levity and a few good chuckles or thought provoking topics along the way.

I'll leave today's post with a question. Feel free to comment with your response.

Do you still close the bathroom door when you're the only home? Why or why not?