Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Resolutions

2013.  A new year.  A fresh start.  Other generic phrases everyone says...

I got to thinking about resolutions and new years and change and what's important in life.

Now, I've never been a big "this is my new year, new me attitude" kind of guy.  I'm as unphased by the calendar change as most.  I'm also cynical as hell of resolutions.  I figure they last, at most, until January 6th.

Probably because they're always grandiose, sweeping resolutions.

"I want a new job."

"I'm going to drop 100 pounds."

"I'm going to free Tibet."

This year, I've decided to join in.  I've made my own resolution.  But not something huge and life altering.

I'm resolving to score 365 victories in 2013.  One for each day of the year.

Small victories.  Because, after all, isn't that what sweeping, life-altering changes are made of?  Consistent, tiny effort?

So that's my goal.  One small victory a day.

Starting today...


Today, I shaved.

I hate shaving.  Especially when I don't have to (read: any day I don't have to work).

But this morning, I woke up.  And before I hopped into the shower, I shaved.

Sounds stupid, right?

It's a small step.  One small victory.  364 days to go.

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