Friday, February 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things - Day 10


I am not an organized person.  My organizational skills could be described as somewhere between "controlled mess" and "nuclear holocaust."

I've also always been pretty contrary, though.  Not for the sake of irony or the sake of being contrary... I just don't generally buy into things that most people buy into.

So maybe that's why, despite my lack of organizational skills, I've always been a fan of even numbers.

These are the most patriotic even numbers I've ever seen...
Think about it - even numbers are wildly consistent.

If you add an even # to an even #, you get another even #.  Add two odds, and you still get an even.

Subtract an even from an even and you get an even.  Subtract an odd from an odd, and you get another even.

Multiply two evens together, and guess what... more evens.

I think you get the idea.

Something about the consistency of evens is comforting to me, and definitely one of my favorite things.

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