Friday, February 3, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things: Day 3


I keep my coffee maker in the bedroom.

Right next to the bed.

In fact, I can reach the coffee maker more easily than I can reach my phone (also my alarm clock) and my laptop.

It actually rocks.  A lot.

Borrowed without permission from - no intrusion meant, guys!  Keep up the good work!
I made this move for a couple of reasons.

1) I love the smell of fresh coffee in the morning.

2) I love a cup of fresh coffee in the morning.

3) I'm terrible about using the kitchen in the morning.

Putting the coffee maker in the bedroom ensures that I wake up smelling coffee, and that I don't forget to actually pour myself a cup in the morning.  Seriously, this was a common problem for me.  I'd go through the trouble of setting a pot to auto brew for the morning, then completely forget to grab a cup until I was halfway to work.

Now I actually wake up in the morning to the sound of percolating coffee.  It is genuinely a peaceful way to wake up, and certainly better than the jarring blare of my phone's alarm.  I then get to relax in bed for a few minutes, absorbing the morning, before I'm up and about and on the way to work.

Thank you coffee maker in the bedroom.  You've made such an impact on my morning routine that you've made my list as item #3 of my favorite things!

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