Monday, February 13, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things - Day 13


I met with an ex today.  Not just any ex, either.  The one with whom I've had a longer lasting relationship than any other (my lovely fiance notwithstanding).

And I think, all in all, it was a good experience.

It's been about 6 years since we've been together.  And in the last 6 years, I can't say I've given her much thought.  I never really do when it comes to my exes.  Relationships end, I get rid of everything the relationship brought me, and I move on.  And when I do think of my exes, I tend to only think of the bad times.

Perhaps I should re-evaluate that habit.

Having nothing but nice things to say tonight helped create some perspective for me.

You see... she's looking great, compared to the last time I saw her.  She's healthy, happy, and had a plethora of stories to tell... most of which painted me as the bad guy.

And I probably deserve that role.  I am a colossal asshole at heart.  But realizing my status as the bad guy brought me to thinking.

We were a train wreck of a couple.  Just nightmarish.  In absolutely every imaginable way.  Nothing in common with one another at all.  Which was only reinforced tonight when she commented that my hat was stupid.

You know the hat... this one...

And that's when everything started falling into place for me.

I had my closure from the relationship that I never realized I was waiting for.

It wasn't enough that my life moved on.  It wasn't enough that I hadn't seen her in years, or hadn't kept anything from the relationship.  I needed to appreciate her.  Or... at last what I carried away from the relationship.

I carried away the maturity and awareness to know what I was looking for.

Now I'm with a woman who plays the same games as me.  Reads the same books.  Watches the same shows and movies.  Laughs at the same jokes.  Likes the same foods.

I'm with someone who matches up with me in every way.

I really, genuinely, could not be happier than I am with Bree.

And more importantly, I know she feels the same way.

Thank you for the good times, Meagan.  Thank you for helping me rule out what I wasn't looking for so I could find what I was.

And thank you, Bree, for promising to spend your life with me.  I'll try to make it worth your while.

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