Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I simply remember my favorite things...

...and then I won't rant so much.

I rant a lot.

I rant at home.  I rant at work.  Sometimes I even rant in between home and work.

I don't know why I rant.  I just do.  And I'm beginning to think all that ranting can't possibly be good for me over the long term.  So I've decided that February will be rant-free.  Indeed, February will be a POSITIVE month.

Maybe it's the impending doom that a bunch of dead Mayans foretold.  Maybe it's the novelty of the leap year. Hard to say, really.

So instead of a month's worth of rants, I will be going through 29 of my favorite things (1 a day) for the next month.

So here we go.  My first favorite thing to kick off my Fantasically Favorite February Festival... drum roll please...


I think it's fair to say with full confidence and without exaggeration that girls in sundresses are such a joy that the sheer level of awesomeness surpasses sliced bread, rocket-powered snow shoes, and Mountain Dew put together.  Case in point...

Thank you for being you, T Mobile Girl.  And also for providing me with acceptable cell phone services
Something about a sundress speaks of a simpler time.  A time before tedious reports, office politics, burnt dinners, wars on terrors, poorly managed governments, and obnoxious personal schedules.

Maybe it's the airy nature of the sundress itself.  Or the playfulness.  The vibrancy of color, perhaps.  Could even be the organic and peaceful flow of the design.  The way it all comes together makes the sundress one of my secret weaknesses (the other being Kryptonite).

Girls in sundresses are the only conceivable benefit I can imagine to living in Florida.  I hear all year long that Florida is one of those "paradise" states... much like Eden or Risa.  But I never really see it... until I realize that holy's January, and there's a girl in a sundress.

So to all the girls out there in sundresses (bonus points for January sundress wearers), I salute you.  Thank you for making my life just a little better, and thank you for helping me kick off 29 of my favorite things.

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